Thursday, April 29, 2010


The week of April 11th-16th I was fortunate enough to going to NEIPP in Cape Code, MA (a photography school for PPANE members). It was a blast. I was in Greg and Lesa Daniels class (amazing people) and learned a ton. There were also the fun nights with a Toga party, sultry/Saucy night, and a pirates themed evening. The participation was great and I got to model for the sultry/saucy night (the photography posted here). The most memorable moment for me during this week is when I was trying to decorate our pirate ship and the super glue came out from under the cap. Yup, I superglued not one but two fingers to the bottle and had to go to the ER. At that point all you can do is have fun with it so my roomate took pictures of me with the nurses, me with the Dr., in the end I was fine and got some humor and a hospital bill out of it.